About the Journal

Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare is the official body from the Research Centre in Health Sciences (CICSA from its acronym in spanish) from the Health Sciences Faculty of Anahuac University Mexico. As a multidisciplinary journal, six-monthly periodicity and open access. The journal accepts to publish basic, clinical and epidemiologic scientific research papers. Papers are published addressing the following areas: medicine, nutrition, odontology, biotecnology and physic therapy and rehabilitation. The paper´s evaluation includes a peer review process (double blinded) with the participation of well recognized authors on their respective investigation area of specialization, warranting to meet the highest and most rigorous scientific standards of quality.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Portada Vol. 1, No. 2

Orthostatic response in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus evaluated through acceleration photoplethysmogram José Federico Rivas-Vilchis, Eduardo Barrera-Escorcia, pp. 5-10

Effect of different bacteria on the biodegradation of polyurethane
Karla Castillo-Gaspar, Valeria Román-Ayala, Adriana Domínguez-K Rescala, Karla Ramírez-Gualito, pp. 11-17

mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines: a new age
Rodrigo Martínez-Espinosa, Gabriela Ramírez-Vélez, pp. 18-30

Musculoskeletal pain in college students: a systematic review
Galit Wohlmuth-Cohen, Felix León-Avila, pp. 31-45

Probiotic foods as functional foods for modulating obesity
Bárbara Gallegos-Inzunza, Jimena Prado-Ramírez, Alejandra Romo-Araiza, pp. 46-57  

Clinical advances in multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis treatment: A review
Marquelle Zerecero-Morcksharpe, Elisa García-Vences, pp. 58-69

Association between gut microbiota and obesity. A review of the evidence
Leslie Lascurain, Jessica Jaquez, Stephanie Thompson-Alfaro, Aly Sugei Barradas-Vázquez, Mardia López-Alarcón, Oscar C Thompson-Chagoyán, pp. 70-80

Published: 2021-08-23

Full Issue

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Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare is the official body from the Research Centre in Health Sciences (CICSA from its acronym in spanish) from the Health Sciences Faculty of Anahuac University Mexico. As a multidisciplinary journal, six-monthly periodicity and open access. The journal accepts to publish basic, clinical and epidemiologic scientific research papers.

Papers are published addressing the following areas: medicine, nutrition, odontology, biotechnology, and physic therapy and rehabilitation. The paper´s evaluation includes a peer review process (double blinded) with the participation of well recognized authors on their respective investigation area of specialization, warranting to meet the highest and most rigorous scientific standards of quality.