
  • Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)

    Comparison of the phenotypic profile of antimicrobial resistance in the oral microbiota of non-smokers, tobacco, smokers, and electronic cigarette vapers - A pilot study
    Enrique Alejandro Martínez-Solís, Abraham Atman Hernández-Martínez, Adán Peña-Barreto, Tomás Barrientos-Fortes, Diego Abelardo Álvarez-Hernández, Sandra Georgina Solano-Gálvez, Rosalino Vázquez-López, pp. 5-13

    Canine oral microbiota: a source of potentially pathogenic and polyresistant bacteria
    Victor Manuel Paz Zarza, Diana Pantoja Durán, Jimena Islas Martínez, Sandra Solano Gálvez, Rodrigo Bolado Hadad, Simran Mangwani Mordani, Alejandra Martinez Maldonado, Adán Peña Barreto, Rosalino Vázquez-López, pp. 14-21

    Identifying glial scar tissue using infrared thermography: a spinal cord injury pilot study
    Tamara Daniela Frydman, Margarita Gómez-Chavarín, Roxana Rodríguez-Barrera, Elisa García-Vences, Adrián Flores-Romero, Ivonne Hernández-Gutiérrez, Gabriel Gutiérrez-Ospina, Antonio Ibarra, pp. 22-29

    Anxiety disorder and psychological dependence on smoking in young adults from two communities in the State of Mexico
    Arnulfo L’Gamiz Matuk, Víctor Saúl Ramos Tafoya, pp. 30-36

    Dysphagia as a predictor of malnutrition risk in older adults: brief review of literature
    Rebeca Kababie-Ameo, Gabriela Gutiérrez-Salmeán, pp. 37-44

    Can exercise be used as a protective agent against disease severity for COVID-19 and as treatment during subsequent rehabilitation?
    Felix León-Avila, Galit Wohlmuth-Cohen, Ana Cristina Suárez-Espinosa, Alejandra de la Cruz Romano, Jimena Figueroa-Valero, pp. 45-51

    Social Intelligence, an elementary competence in the development of doctor-Patient relationship
    David Cerdio Dominguez, Paulina Millán Zurita, Alma Cristina Cedillo Urbina, José Marcos Felix Castro, Elvia Cristina Del Campo Turcios, pp. 52-61

    Comparison between insulin delivery methods: subcutaneous, inhaled, oral and buccal
    Bethliza Alejandro Juárez, Patrick Fleischmann-de la Parra, Karla Tania Esmeralda Rayo-Mercado, Teresa Ponce-Lopez, pp. 62-71

  • Portada Vol. 1, No. 2

    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)

    Orthostatic response in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus evaluated through acceleration photoplethysmogram José Federico Rivas-Vilchis, Eduardo Barrera-Escorcia, pp. 5-10

    Effect of different bacteria on the biodegradation of polyurethane
    Karla Castillo-Gaspar, Valeria Román-Ayala, Adriana Domínguez-K Rescala, Karla Ramírez-Gualito, pp. 11-17

    mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines: a new age
    Rodrigo Martínez-Espinosa, Gabriela Ramírez-Vélez, pp. 18-30

    Musculoskeletal pain in college students: a systematic review
    Galit Wohlmuth-Cohen, Felix León-Avila, pp. 31-45

    Probiotic foods as functional foods for modulating obesity
    Bárbara Gallegos-Inzunza, Jimena Prado-Ramírez, Alejandra Romo-Araiza, pp. 46-57  

    Clinical advances in multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis treatment: A review
    Marquelle Zerecero-Morcksharpe, Elisa García-Vences, pp. 58-69

    Association between gut microbiota and obesity. A review of the evidence
    Leslie Lascurain, Jessica Jaquez, Stephanie Thompson-Alfaro, Aly Sugei Barradas-Vázquez, Mardia López-Alarcón, Oscar C Thompson-Chagoyán, pp. 70-80