
Theme and scope

Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare is a journal with a national and international scientific approach published through the Research Centre in Health Sciences (CICSA from its acronym in Spanish) from the Health Sciences Faculty of Anahuac University Mexico, which is published in the months of January and July. Includes articles on basic scientific, clinical and epidemiological research. The paper´s evaluation includes a peer review process (double blinded).


Publish, from a scientific perspective, original and review articles, refereed by a prestigious peer committee, on the area of Health Sciences. The published works will be characterized by their theoretical methodological solidity, their relevance and practical relevance regarding those elements that motivate of human resources training in the field of medical and health sciences.


  1. Diffuse original basic and clinical experimental research works, as well as epidemiological, on updated topics in health sciences derived from internal and external research at the national level.
  2. Increase academic, scientific and technical level of teachers, researchers, and Human Resources development in the field of Medical and Health Sciences.

Target audiences

Researchers in basic and clinical sciences at national and international level. Undergraduate and graduate students of the Health Sciences careers.

Peer review process

Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare uses double blinded peer review, meaning that both authors and reviewers keep anonymous during the review process.

Upon receiving the invitation by mail, you will have access to the intranet website of the journal Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare, where you can download the manuscript. Before accepting or rejecting the invitation to review the article, please write the reasons for your opinion in the appropriate format, or any comments you want to share with the editor.

To send the recommendation for the evaluation of the manuscript, we ask you to download the Report Form and fill it in according to the instructions described. Reviewers should not evaluate manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest

Take into account that your opinion and observations of the article are essential for the editor to make the decision to publish the article. Your comments should be constructive and courteous and should not include any inappropriate or personal comments. Also, it is important to provide information on any deficiencies you detect. You must explain and support your judgment so that both editors and authors can fully understand the reasoning behind your comments. It is important to specify if your comments are your own opinion or if they are reflected in the data and/or results that are already part of the scientific literature.

Once you have finished the comments, choose the determination corresponding to your decision: accepted, accepted with minor/major revision, or rejected for publication. Continue with the submission of the report form.

Note that if your decision is accepted with changes, the editors may ask you to re-review the modified version of the manuscript, if necessary, in order to make a final decision. The second-time review process will be easier to perform because the authors will provide a letter that describes in detail the changes made to the modified version.

Anti-plagiarism policies

Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare enforce an anti-plagiarism policy to guarantee the originality of every manuscript by the Turnitin use, a detection tool of content resemblance. Any total or partial unquoted similarity would be reason of denial.

Open access policy

Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare provides open access to its content with the principle that research is freely available to the public that supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Hence, there is no charge to authors for sending, processing and/or publishing articles.

The Creative Commons license used by the journal is the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. which allows others to download the works and share them with other people, provided their authorship is acknowledged, but they cannot be changed in any way nor can they be used commercially.

Copyright notice

All the intellectual content found in this publication is licensed to the consumer public under the figure of Creative Commons©, unless the author of said content has agreed otherwise or limited said faculty to "Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare©," or "Universidad Anáhuac Mexico©" in writing and expressly.

Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare© is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

The author retains the economic rights without restrictions and guarantees the journal the right to be the first publication of the work. The author is free to deposit the published version in any other medium, such as an institutional repository or on his own website.

Digital preservation policy

Internally, the Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare preserves all the documents it publishes electronically in its writing.

Institutional preservation.The Technological Services Department of the Universidad Anáhuac México supports and protects its online page.

The Anáhuac Mexico University Library houses the journal not only for consultation, but also for its preservation; In addition, it is creating an integrated and more robust institutional repository.

Interoperability protocols

This journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published contents.

Route for harvesters: https://revistas.anahuac.mx/psrua/oai

Social Media

 • Facebook: Libros Anáhuac



Proceedings of Scientific Research Universidad Anáhuac. Multidisciplinary Journal of Healthcare embraces the codes of conduct and good practice established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) https://publicationethics.org/core-practices

Editorial committee and journal conduct 

The editorial committee undertakes to notify the authors of any unethical conduct, and the information that may be a reason for rejection.

 Any manuscript received for review will be protected at all times with the utmost confidentiality.

Reviewers may not participate in the evaluation of manuscripts with which they present a conflict of interest.

 In line with the definitions and recommendations proposed by ICJME, each of the authors will be held responsible, and their active) collaboration will be requested in any investigation, whether due to errors or misconduct in ethics or bioethics, either during the editorial process or later to the publication.

 When the communication is carried out directly with the corresponding author, the modifications and adaptations of the manuscript will be communicated directly to said author and the approval of the rest of the authors will be assumed.

 We assume as ours the definitions of authorship and conflicts of interest proposed by "ICJME Recommendations".

 The journal follows the indications and recommendations proposed by the Comittee on Publications Ethics (COPE).

 Editor's Code of Conduct

The editor must accept responsibility (at all times) for what is published in the journal, thus having to work in accordance with the needs of the authors, readers and the journal.  Promoting quality and the highest academic standards.  Being willing to publish corrections, clarifications or apologies if necessary.

The decision by the editor to accept or reject a manuscript must be based on objective criteria such as originality, relevance and clarity in accordance with the identity of the journal.

The editor undertakes to keep and guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation and judgment process.

The editor assumes the responsibility of informing the authors of the status of the editorial process.

The editorial evaluation will be carried out impartially, avoiding at all times discrimination of religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality or philosophy; based at all times on objective scientific criteria.

No unpublished material will be used as part of personal or group research, maintaining confidentiality at all times.

Author's code of conduct

Authors must guarantee the originality of the submitted manuscripts, together with an ethical evaluation.  As well as guaranteeing that their works have not been previously published or that they are in the process of being considered.

An author should not, in general, present or publish manuscripts that describe the same research in different medical journals.

Sources and references must be clearly cited, being that if there is management of information obtained by private sources (conversations), it should be used only if there is written permission from the source.

The main author (s) must ensure that the manuscript is known and accepted by all participants, guaranteeing the significant contribution of those involved.

If the author discovers any error or mistake -significant- in the publication, it is his obligation to immediately notify the editor and editorial committee.

 Reviewer´s Code of Conduct

The reviewers will have objective guidelines on which they will base their comments, thus avoiding conflicts of interest.

Reviewers must inform -as soon as possible- if they are qualified to evaluate the requested manuscript.

Reviewers will conduct themselves in an objective manner, avoiding subjective or critical assessments without scientific basis.

The reviewers will handle all the information with strict confidentiality and respect for the individuality of the research project.

Based on professional ethics, any situation that could be considered a conflict of interest by the reviewers will be avoided.