Social Capital as a Result of Interpersonal Communication Processes in the Daily Activities and Assemblies Held Among the Merchants of a Street Markets in the Venustiano Carranza Mayoralty in Mexico City in April 2020
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Social capital is presented in social relationships, which are based on interpersonal communication. This research aims to find out how interpersonal communication category between the merchants of a street market helps to achieve a strengthened social capital that favors all members of the street market to improve their internal processes. In such a way, objectives, methodologies, theoretical references, results and conclusions of researches carried out are examined, as well as theories that have been updated on interpersonal communication and social capital; in the same way, a survey was applied to 30 merchants of a street market. The results obtained are not definitive and show that the merchants present an acceptable interpersonal communication and social capital, but they are not enough to solve the problems that the street market has in its internal processes.
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