The relationship between financial performance and corporate social responsibility (a study of 63 issuers of the Mexican Stock Exchange)

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Rubén Díaz Cruz


Civil society demands companies to be conscious about the impact their actions generate in interested third parties. This paper presents an investigation that aims to demonstrate the relation between financial performance (FP) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) among the companies studied on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), in order to motivate the implementation of CSR in several other Mexican organizations. The results suggest a positive correlation between FP and CSR for the studied companies that own plants or foreign branches.


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How to Cite
Díaz Cruz, R. (2017). The relationship between financial performance and corporate social responsibility (a study of 63 issuers of the Mexican Stock Exchange). The Anáhuac Journal, 17(1), Pág. 101. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Rubén Díaz Cruz

El doctor Rubén Díaz Cruz es profesor de la asignatura de Gobierno Corporativo en la Escuela de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad Anáhuac México Campus Sur. Cuenta con 30 años de experiencia en auditoría interna, control interno y gobierno corporativo, trabajando en empresas como IBM de México, Grupo Corvi, Dun and Bradstreet, Grupo Acir y Médica Sur.