Neurosciences applied to the integration of work teams: software development projects

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Jesús Evert Corral Pedraza


The traditional view of the formation of work teams for the development of software projects has focused fundamentally on two layers: the design of hierarchical pyramids and the layer of technical knowledge, however it has not evolved into the standardization of a more robust practice. Neurosciences applied to the company are being explored more and in greater depth. In this research the relation of thinking styles with software development projects will be analyzed in order to provide knowledge to advance in the reconfiguration of project work teams, considering the most appropriate combination of thinking styles to achieve greater efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness in them. The main objective of this research is to determine if the thinking style of professionals who develop software projects has a significant relation on the results of their projects, as well as to evaluate which of the thinking styles has the greatest effect. Based on the findings of this study, a model of the thinking styles map is proposed to be taken into account in the configuration of software development teams.


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How to Cite
Corral Pedraza, J. E. (2020). Neurosciences applied to the integration of work teams: software development projects. The Anáhuac Journal, 20(2), Págs. 38–79. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Jesús Evert Corral Pedraza, Independent

Jesús Evert Corral Pedraza cursó estudios de Ingeniería en Sistemas en el Tecnológico de Monterrey, maestría en Administración en el Instituto de Estudios Universitarios y doctorado en Administración en la Universidad de Celaya. Como parte de su carrera profesional, entre 2011 y 2020 fungió como Chief Financial Officer (director financiero) de Santander Tecnología México, integrando holísticamente sus conocimientos de Tecnología, Finanzas y Administración. Ha realizado diversos diplomados y certificaciones en México y en el extranjero sobre neurociencias aplicadas a los procesos empresariales, gestión de equipos de trabajo, métodos ágiles para la gestión, criptografía, monedas digitales y fintech. Es consultor e investigador independiente con una agenda enmarcada en temas económicos y tecnológicos.


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