Articulation of ethics and strategy to integrate stakeholder expectations through higher purpose

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Gina Giraldo Hernández


This article is intended to contribute to the debate on the implications of the decisions and actions of companies in society, to find an alternative that allows them to include in their strategies not only the aspirations of the shareholders, but also the expectations of other stakeholders. To achieve this, we rely on the authors that have contributed to consolidating the strategy as a field of study and on professors from the School of Valencia. This text recognizes human interdependence and the importance of different social actors, including companies, participating according to their roles in society to achieve the results they expect and, at the same time, generating a positive impact on their environment. As a conclusion, it is proposed that, in order to incorporate the expectations of all stakeholders, companies articulate not only their business model with the higher purpose and objectives, but also ethics with strategy.


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How to Cite
Giraldo Hernández, G. (2020). Articulation of ethics and strategy to integrate stakeholder expectations through higher purpose. The Anáhuac Journal, 20(2), Págs. 80 – 111. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Gina Giraldo Hernández, Universidad EAFIT

Gina Giraldo Hernández es doctora en Ética y Democracia por la Universidad de Valencia, España; Magister en Administración, MBA, por la Universidad EAFIT y titulada en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad de Antioquia. Profesora durante 18 años de Estrategia y, además, en los últimos tres años, del Seminario trabajo de grado. Es autora del libro Gobernanza global y justicia social.


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