Product visibility through a packaging with a transparent design element vs. The product image

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Flor Morton


In recent years, sensory marketing has gained great interest.
Companies are now starting to incorporate sensory elements to their marketing proposal mix. It is known that a product’s package plays an important role in consumer’s perceptions about the product and buying decision. Specifically, there is research concerning the incorporation of a transparency element in package design; however, there is no research that studies the differences in the attention, interest, product evaluations (e.g. quality and perceived taste), and purchase intentions of a product with this type of design element versus the product with an image of itself. The present study addresses this issue combining traditional
research instruments and electroencephalogram (EEG) as a neuromarketing tool, to evaluate the two types of product visualization designs in package.


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How to Cite
Morton, F. (2018). Product visibility through a packaging with a transparent design element vs. The product image. The Anáhuac Journal, 18(1), Pág. 45. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Flor Morton

La doctora Flor Morton es profesora asociada en la Universidad de Monterrey, en donde imparte clases, asesora tesis y realiza investigación académica.
Anteriormente colaboró en el Tecnológico de Monterrey como profesora de cátedra. Sus intereses de investigación están relacionados con el comportamiento del consumidor, la influencia de los sentidos en el consumidor, el uso de medios digitales y neuromarketing.