Analysis of quality, satisfaction, loyalty and security in the hiring of online services for pet care

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Diana Córdova Búa


E-commerce has transformed consumer buying habits. It represents an industry that continues growing an offering a wide variety of products and services. However, trust remains a challenge to be overcome for virtual business, especially when the service is aimed at people or at their properties.
In Mexico, the number of people who include domestic animals (dogs or cats) as members of their family is increasing daily. Because of practicality or cost, owners cannot always take their pets with them to their meetings or travels. In such cases, pet owners require someone to take care of their dogs and cats. To achieve this they rely primarily on relatives and close friends. When they cannot provide help needed, the problematic, object of this analysis arises: Where and with whom are they to leave their pets? A service that meets this need should offer tranquility and security to users, and a good treatment for the pets.
This article seeks to analyze the perceived need of consumers for an online pet care service as well as the decisive factors to hire it. It will also examine if the current supply covers the needs of consumers regarding security and the offer of caregivers.
To clarify this analysis, the key concepts of e-commerce and the man-pet relationship developed over the years will be explained.


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How to Cite
Búa, D. C. (2017). Analysis of quality, satisfaction, loyalty and security in the hiring of online services for pet care. The Anáhuac Journal, 17(2), Pág. 11. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Diana Córdova Búa

Diana Córdova Búa nació en la Ciudad de México. Cursó estudios de Administración Internacional en la Universidad Anáhuac México Campus Sur, en la misma ciudad; hizo una maestría en Comercio Internacional en la Universidad Complutense y una en Mercadotecnia y Publicidad en la Escuela Europea de Dirección y Empresa (EUDE), ambas en Madrid, España.
Es académica de la Universidad Anáhuac México desde hace más de cinco años y ha formado parte de la planta docente de la Universidad ISEC Del Valle. Es catedrática en el programa EBD del Instituto Entrepreneur con la Universidad Anáhuac México, en temas de Mercadotecnia digital y comercio electrónico. Su experiencia laboral ha transcurrido en Mercadotecnia y Cadena de suministros; ha formado parte del  proyecto “Eleven Rivers” de denominación de origen del tomate mexicano que se exporta a Estados Unidos y de la empresa de logística de alimentos Pacific Star con la introducción de Olive Garden en México. Actualmente, dirige su propio negocio como consultora de imagen independiente y profesora de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad Anáhuac México en ambos campus.