Focus and scope

The Anáhuac Journal is a semiannual journal, produced for the scientific community, using peer review with the double-blind method. The publication contributes to the advancement of scientific and technical knowledge in economic and administrative subject areas. Authors are invited to publish original theoretical or applied research articles (not case studies, descriptive or exploratory cases), in both English and Spanish, on the following subjects:

a) Corporate law
b) Corporate government
c) Corporate social responsibility
d) Corporate ethics
e) Leadership and Management
f) Entrepreneurship and Innovation
g) Marketing
h) Economics and Strategy
i) Finance and Accounting
j) Decision making
k) Economics
l) Innovation

Section policies

Research articles

We recommend following the general outline for research papers:

Work title in the original language and in English.
Name and academic institution of authors, zip code and e-mail address.
Abstract in Spanish and English, no more than 100-180 words.
6 keywords in Spanish and English, separated by comma.
JEL Classification codes.
Introduction, background, goals, methods, elements and sources used.
Results and discussion.
Final conclusions.
Bibliographical references.
Appendixes can be added if necessary.
( ) Verified open submissions ( ) Verified indexed Verified ( ) Peer reviewed


Peer review process

 Articles submitted are reviewed by anonymous specialized peers. The reviewers are suggested by the members of the Editorial Committee. When reviews do not concur, the text is sent to another specialist, whose decision will be final. In order to guarantee a fair and impartial review, when imprecise and biased evaluations are received, the Editorial Committee will undertake the review. The author will be informed of the results of the review along with comments, suggestions and notes from the reviewers within four months following receipt of the original document. All review decisions are final. When articles are rejected because the subject matter is not in keeping with the journal’s line of research, the article will not be reviewed by double-blind peers. When the result of the review is positive and the changes to be made have been indicated, changes to the manuscript will be requested according to the reviewers’ suggestions. The author may challenge the changes or choose to withdraw the article. The new version shall be submitted within two weeks, otherwise the article will be rejected. The corrected text will be sent to one of the original reviewers to confirm that the suggestions were actually incorporated, and to a different expert in the subject to decide if the original document should be accepted for publication. Once the second version has been accepted by the academic peers, further changes cannot be made, except for adaptation to the rules for delivering original documents to the journal.

Frequency of the publication

The Anáhuac Journal is a semiannual publication, published at the beginning of January and July.


Open access policy

This publication provides immediate free open access to its content, so that the public has free access to researches. This will promote the exchange of global knowledge. Therefore, there is NO charge made to the authors for submissions (not submission charges), processing and/or publication. The Anáhuac Journal is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

The Anáhuac Journal rejects fraudulent publication practices and plagiarism. This magazine uses the special software (Turnitin) to detect any matches and similarities between the texts submitted for review and papers previously posted in other websites.


The Anáhuac Journal is indexed to the following data bases, archives, directories and catalogs: 





Data Bases  



Biblioteca Anáhuac México Norte

Author's Rights

The author shall undertake to sign a letter of authorization to the magazine for the manuscript to be reproduced in printed or electronic format.
1. Letter of Originality
All authors and co-authors sign it and its data.

2. Authorization for public communication of literary works (article)


All content found in this publication is licensed to the consumer under the figure of Creative Commons©, unlessthe author of content has agreed to the contraryor faculty said to "Revista Anahuac©"or"Universidad Anahuac Mexico©" expressly.
The Anahuac Journal is licensed a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCoercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The author retains unrestricted economic rights and the magazine retains the right to be the first publication of the work. The author is free to deposit the published version in any other medium, such as an institutional archive or on his own website.


Digital Conservant Policy

Internally, The Anáhuac Journal keeps in its drafting all the documents it publishes electronically.
Institutional conservation. The Directorate of Technological Services of Universidad Anáhuac México endorses and protected its online page.
The Library of Universidad Anáhuac México houses the magazine not only for consultation, but for its conservantion; it is also creating an integrated and more robust institutional repository.


Interoperability protocols

This journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published contents.

Route for harvesters:


Social Media

• Facebook: negocios.anahuacmx

• Twitter: @NegociosAnahuac

•  Instagram: negocios_anahuac

Editorial ethics and good practices

The Anáhuac Journal, takes as reference the Code of Conduct and Good Practices of the Ethics Committee in Publications (COPE)

Responsibilities of the Editorial Committee

The description of the peer review process is defined and disclosed by the Editorial Committee so that authors are aware of the review criteria. The Editorial Committee is prepared to defend any dispute arising during the review process.


Responsibilities of the editor

 The editor is responsible for all texts published in the journal, making an effort to meet the needs of the readers and authors, to constantly improve the journal, to guarantee the quality of the published material, as well as upholding academic and scientific standards. The editor will also publish corrections, explanations, retractions and apologies as necessary.
The editor’s decision to accept or reject a text for publication will be based solely on the article’s relevance, originality, clarity and appropriateness for the journal.
The editor is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of the review process and will not reveal the identity of the authors to the reviewers. The editor will also not reveal the identity of the reviewers . The editor will duly inform the author about the status of the editorial process for their text, as well as the decisions made.
The editor evaluates manuscripts and their intellectual content without discriminating on the basis of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality or the political affiliation of the author.
Neither the editor nor any member of the editorial team will disclose information regarding a manuscript sent to any person other than the corresponding author, reviewer, potential reviewer or other editorial consultants.
Unpublished materials included in a manuscript received will not be used in any editor’s personal research without the prior express and written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained from peer reviews will be confidential and will not be used for personal gain. Editors shall make fair and impartial decisions, and they shall guarantee a fair and appropriate review process.


Responsibilities of the authors

 Authors must guarantee that their manuscripts are the product of their original work and that they obtained their data using ethical practices. Authors must also guarantee that their works have not been previously published nor are being considered for another publication. A work will be considered previously published in the following situations:
- When the complete text has been previously published.
- When long fragments of previously published materials are part of the text that was submitted to the journal and there are no significant changes in reviewing those materials.
- When the work submitted to the journal is included in memoires published in extenso.
These standards refer to prior print or electronic publications, in any language.
For works to be published, authors should strictly follow the guidelines for authors that are defined on the website and in the print version of the journal.
Authors will submit their articles to the journal through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) in accordance with the previously mentioned guidelines for authors.
Authors must present a concise description of their research, as well as an objective discussion of its relevance. Underlying data should be accurately represented in the article. A document should be sufficiently detailed and have enough references to allow others to use the work. Fraudulent or deliberately inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
Authors must guarantee they wrote the complete work themselves, and if they have used work and/or words from other sources, these must be properly cited. Plagiarism in any form constitutes unacceptable and unethical editorial behavior. Consequently, any plagiarized manuscript will be rejected and will not be published.
In general, an author should not publish articles that essentially describe the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submission of manuscripts to more than one publication constitutes unethical behavior and therefore will not be published.
Sources should be properly cited. Authors should cite the publications that have had an influence in the nature of their submitted work.
Authorship should be limited to those that have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution or interpretation of the study. All persons that have made significant contributions should appear as coauthors. The principal author(s) should ensure that all coauthors are included in the article, and that all coauthors have seen and approved the final version of the document, and have given their prior consent for submission of the document for publication.
All authors should disclose any financial conflict or other type of conflict in their manuscript that could have an influence on the results or the interpretation of their manuscript. All the financial sources that supported the project must be disclosed.
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they must immediately notify the editor of the publication or the editorial coordinator and work together to correct or retract the article.


Responsibilities of the reviewers

Reviewers commit to reporting any unethical behavior on the part of the authors and to indicate any information that may give reason for rejecting an article. Additionally, they also commit to upholding confidentiality on all information related to the manuscripts they review.
The journal will provide to the reviewers the guidelines for reviewing articles, which the reviewers will abide by during the review process.
Selected reviewers are required to notify the journal managers, within the established time, whether or not they are qualified and able to review a paper.
Any manuscript received for review should be treated as a confidential document. It should not be disclosed or discussed with any other experts, unless authorized by the editor.
Reviewers shall be objective. Personal criticism of the author is considered inappropriate. Reviewers must express their opinions with clear and valid arguments.
All privileged information or ideas resulting from the peer review shall be confidential and should not be used for personal gain.
Reviewers should not review manuscripts that would represent a conflict of interest for them.