Law can find in History a select point of view, from which it can thoroughly observe how a legal community behaves in a determined space and time.

This issue is mainly focused the History of Law. The Monographic section discusses the history of fiscal administration. That is, Administrative and Tax Law. Authors on the topic propose that a proper administration of taxes is the first step to be taken before any reforming endeavor. The section Varia studies Constitutional Law´s history and its impact on the discussion regarding creation of new federal states; the history of criminal law allows us to understand how drug use became penalized in Mexico City; International Law explains the beginning of a special relationship between Mexico and Japan during the Porfiriato; and, finally, during this period, the history of lawyers shows us how they prepared and carried out their job.

We have two new sections in this issue. The first of them being the Resolutions and relevant jurisdictional criteria (Resoluciones y criterios jurisdisccionales relevantes), which studies the General Declaration of Unconstitutionality 1/2018  (Declaratoria General de Inconstitucionalidad 1/2018) and its impact on the Mexican legal system. The second one includes a series reviews of works of interest within the legal world.


Published: 2021-11-20