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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • 2. Medicina y Ética is a specialized journal in the field of bioethics that is focused on academic dissemination among professionals related to current topics and discussions in this field. Consequently, Medicina y Ética does not accept articles for dissemination, or material that can be considered propaganda of any current, institution or product.
  • 3. The journal is not limited to a single vision of Bioethics, provided that the articles strictly comply with the own methodology in the exposition of ideas. In accordance with the foregoing, the opinions and positions are the sole responsibility of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Universidad Anáhuac Mexico. The Editorial Committee does not assume, in any case, that the institution of origin or who currently employs the author, endorses the positions of the author, expressed in the corresponding article.
  • 4. The manuscript has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal.
  • 1. Medicina y Etica uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS), hence all the manuscripts sent by the authors must be entered in this system. For this, the authors need to register and send their articles together with the Letter of Originality and the Authorization for public communication of literary work (signed and in pdf) in the same shipment.
  • 5. The submission file is in Word format (.doc or docx format).
  • 6. The text meets the length, structure, bibliographic and style requirements indicated in "Guidelines for authors" for the presentation of papers.

The originals are sent through the platform Open Journal Systems (OJS) at the following address: https://revistas.anahuac.mx/bioetica/To such purpose, authors should register and send their contributions attaching a signed Letter of Authorship and an Authorization for the Public Disclosure of Literary Work in pdf format.

The author shall commit to sign a letter authorizing the magazine to reproduce the manuscript either in print or electronic format.

1. Letter of Authorship

Every author and co-author must sign it, including their details.   


2. Authorization for the Public Disclosure of Literary Work (article)



Medicina y Ética does not charge any fees to the authors for the submission, processing and/or publication of articles.



The magazine will have two sections: firstly, original unpublished articles andsecondly, reviews.

Articles and reviews should be written in Spanish or English, clearly and concisely; in Arial font with 12 points, 1.5 line spacing, in electronic Word format. It must be sent directly through the magazine's Open Journal System.



The articles must comply with the following requirements:

• Unpublished material. 

• Minimum extension of 15 pages and maximum of 30. They should only be monographic.

• Title in Spanish and English.

• Summary in Spanish of approximately 150 words and its English version (abstract).

• Keywords: three to five keywords not contained in the title and its English version (key words).

• Author details: Name of each author with an asterisk, briefly mention the place of work, city and country and position, as well as email and ORCID Code. 


Name, surname

Professor / director / researcher of the Faculty of ... / of the Hospital ... / of the Research Center...

Of the (name of the institution)

City, Country

The first author should send his/her e-mail.

The Editorial Coordination reserves the right to omit excessive titles.


Name, surname

Assistant Director of the Pediatric Oncology Center (of the Pediatric Service)

Of Hospital X

The name of the first author should correspond to whoever has intervened the most in the preparation of the article, not for academic or clinical responsibilities.

If there is a conflict of interest, the authors must point it out in the publication.

If the article is based on a quantitative research which involved people or animals, you should provide in addition to all the data required by the editorial policies and standards, the folio number or certificate that your work has been approved by a Research Ethics Committee. Without this document, we are UNABLE to follow the publishing procedure.  

If you do not have this approval, you may approach the Research Ethics Committee from Universidad Anahuac Mexico, which will act accordingly. You may contact them at:  precomite@anahuac.mx 


The reviews should include the title of the work that is presented with its bibliographic reference. In addition, the name, title and e-mail of the review author.

The review is a respectful academic criticism. It should indicate the limits and contributions of the work in question.

Its extension should not exceed five pages.



The Vancouver style should be the guideline.

* Each article’s reference must include your DOI, whenever available.  

The DOI must be displayed as a full URL link, not preceded by doi: or DOI:.


Complete Book

Author / s. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; year.

Bell J. Doing your research project. 5th. ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press; 2005


Independent volumes of books

1. Volumes with their own title but from the same authors / publishers

Author / s. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; year. Pages. Vol. No. Chapter Title

Cicchetti D, Cohen DJ, editors. Developmental psychopathology. Vol. 1, Theory and methods. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc .; c1995. 787 p.

2. Serial monographs

Author / s. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; year. Pages. (Author / s. Series title. Vol. Nº.)

Stephens D, editor. Adult audiology Oxford (UK): Butterworth-Heinemann; c1997. 657 p. (Kerr AG, editor. Scott-Brown's otolaryngology. Vol. 2).


Chapters of books

Author/s of the chapter. Chapter Title In: Director / Coordinator / Editor of the book. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Editorial; year. Initial-final page of the chapter.

Franklin AW. Management of the problem. In: Smith SM, editor. The maltreatment of children. Lancaster: MTP; 2002. p. 83-95.


Magazine article

Author/s. Article title. International abbreviation of the magazine. Year; volume (number): initial-final page of the article.

Dawes J, Rowley J. Enhancing the customer experience: contributions from information technology, J Business Res. 2005; 36 (5): 350-7.


Congress and conference proceedings (cited as a book)

Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumors V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumor Conference; 2001 Sep 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002


Communications and presentations

Author/s of the communication / presentation. Title of the communication / presentation. In: Official title of the Congress. Place of publication: Editorial; year. Initial-final page of the communication / presentation.

Anderson JC. Status of chorion villus biopsy. Paper presented at APSB 1986. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the Australian Perinatal Society, Mothers and Babies; 1986 Sep 8-10; Queensland, Australian. Berlin: Springer; 1986. p. 182-191.


Internet resources


Authors Title [Internet]. Place: Editor; year [revision; consulted]. Available at: email address.

Richardson ML Approaches to differential diagnosis in musculoskeletal imaging [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington School of Medicine; 2007-2008 [revision 2007-2008; accessed March 29, 2009]. Available at: http://www.rad.washington.edu/mskbook/index.htmlpA

Magazine Articles

Author. Title. Abbreviated journal name [Internet]. Year [consulted]; volume (number): pages or extension indicator. Available at: e-mail address.

Abood S. Quality of improvement initiative in nursing homes. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 [accessed November 22, 2012]; 102 (6). Available at: http://www.nursingworld.org


Author/s. Title [Internet]. Place of publication: Editor; Publication date [revised; consulted]. Available at: e-mail address.

European Space Agency. ESA: Missions, Earth Observation: ENVISAT. [Internet]. [Accessed July 3, 2012]. Available at: http://envisat.esa.int/

Part of a website

Medline Plus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): U.S. National Library of Medicine; c2009. Dental health; May 6, 2009 [cited June 16, 2009]; [about 7 screens]. Available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/dentalhealth.html

Research data

Veljić M, Rajčević N, Bukvički D. A Revision Of The Moss Collection Of The University Of Belgrade Herbarium (Beou) From The Ostrozub Mountain In Serbia [Internet]. Zenodo; 2016. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.159099


Quotes in the text

Citations in the text are made through calls with Arabic numerals in parentheses.

Each work cited in the text must have a unique number assigned in order of citation. If a work is cited more than once, it will retain the same number.

An author's citations can be made by a number or by integrating the author's name followed by a number in the text. When an author is mentioned in the text, the reference number is placed after its name. If the author is not named, the number will appear at the end of the sentence.

Tumors can spread from the lung to any part of the body (1)...

As Lagman (2) indicated diabetes care...

If the work has more than one author, the first author in the text will be cited et al.

Simona et al. (5) establish that the principle...

To cite a work that does not have a known author, what is called "corporate author" should be used. For example, an organization or an entity.

The Ministry of Health (4) has recently estimated that hepatitis...

The number of people suffering from hepatitis in Spain has grown by 14% in the last 20 years (4)…

Some books contain chapters written by different authors. When the chapter is cited, the author of the chapter will be cited, not the literary editor or director of the work.

Bell (3) identified that people suffering from diabetes mellitus 2 require strict food care...

When there is more than one citation, they must be separated by commas, but if they were correlative, the first and last ones are mentioned separated by a hyphen.

Modern scientific nomenclature really began with Linnaeus in botany (1), but other disciplines (2,5) were not many years behind in developing various systems (4-7) for nomenclature and symbolization

Direct citation: It must be brief, less than five lines, inserted into the text in quotes, and the corresponding number is placed at the end, after the quotes and before the punctuation mark, paging is included

“… Has been proven demonstrably false.” (4, p.23)



The author shall sign a letter authorizing the magazine to reproduce the manuscript either in a hardcopy or electronically.  

1. Letter of Authorship

All the authors and co-authors must sign it and provide their data.


2. Authorization for the public disclosure of literary work (article)



All the intellectual content found in this periodical publication is licensed to the consumer-public under the concept of Creative Commons©; unless the author of said content and Medicina y Ética or Universidad Anáhuac México have expressly agreed otherwise or limited such entitlement in writing.

Medicina y Ética is distributed under a Creative Commons License Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

The author keeps the property rights with no restriction whatsoever and guarantees the magazine the right to be the first publication of the work. The author is free to publish the article in any other media, such as an institutional archive.  



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By submitting this information, I give my express consent that the personal data provided will be treated, for as long as is appropriate, by the Universidad Anahuac Mexico, private institution of higher education that operates on its Campus South through Universidad Anahuac del Sur, S.C., and at its North Campus through Research and Higher Studies, S.C., solely for the purposes set out in their comprehensive privacy notices, which revealed that i know and which were made available to me earlier in the web link: http://www.anahuac.mx/mexico