Peace: a Complex Humanizing System

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Harold Armando Juajibioy Otero


The present article raised as a research problem, the dispute, dispersion and disintegration of different notions of peace, at the time of approaching the founding and start-up of the nascent process of peace building in Colombia. Subsequently, urged to challenge this disintegration and isolation from the representation of an alternative category capable of integrating, putting into symbiosis and hybridity the perspectives to gain corpulence.

Under a qualitative methodological approach of exploratorydescriptive type, an effort was made to seek, recognize, describe and expand the contents, foundations and perspectives that may be the content and the broad body of peace building. A perceptual challenge that required associating complex / systemic methods to open a field of discussion in order to re-imagine an alternative category: A complex and consciously humanizing system of peace.

As a result, a tentative taxonomy of the current and ancient conceptual positions was obtained, as well as the description of their attributes, dimensions and functions. In addition were analyzed, their incommensurabilities, restrictions, limitations, as a creative vortex of the diverse, that led to the possibility of facing an emerging conception of peace capable of integrating, putting into dialogue and relating some research advances in the field of peace-building.


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How to Cite
Juajibioy Otero, H. A. (2019). Peace: a Complex Humanizing System. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 30(4), 1167–1198.