The Surrogate Maternity: "Solidarity" or "Exploitation"?

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Roberto German Zurriarain


In this article, the ethical and legal objections to surrogate motherhood are exposed. Some believe that it is a matter of solidarity with infertile couples so it’s a reproductive practice that is born from the autonomy of the pregnant woman and of the right that every human being has of being a parent. Others think that the proponents of surrogate motherhood, in any of its two modalities: commercial and altruistic, forget the two most important subjects involved in it: the pregnant woman and her baby. 

Consider that the surrogate motherhood discriminates and reifies the baby and the pregnant woman by commodifying and instrumentalizing her body. It uses the pregnant woman and the child as means at the service of fulfilling the wishes of others. Then it seems that with the admission of surrogate motherhood it is evident that the dignity of women and motherhood are not seen as unavailable and worthy of protection. In addition, the baby has no value in himself, but he has it only if he is wanted, received, desired. 

Definitely, you cannot admit a reproductive practice that, in my opinion, aims to be a father or mother at any «price».



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How to Cite
Zurriarain, R. G. (2019). The Surrogate Maternity: "Solidarity" or "Exploitation"?. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 30(4), 1231–1253.