Transposing the right to health and boosting eugenesia

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Agustin Herrera Fragoso


There are cases, in which institutions and institution’s objectives are transformed and transposed by resolutions and jurisprudence of the courts, a situation which came up during the analysius of a sentence of May 15, 2019, by the 1st Chamber of the Justice Supreme Court of the Nation (Mexico), derived from the legal protection revision 1388/2015, due to the refusal of a hospital to perform the interruption of pregnancy, for health reasons, even if the child would have had a normal life, disrupting the right to health, the social conscience and the ethical value of the therapy and of the human dignity of all people, discriminating against the fetus under an eugenic paradigm.


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How to Cite
Fragoso, A. H. (2019). Transposing the right to health and boosting eugenesia. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 30(4), 1277–1296.