Interdiscipline in gerontology. The quality of life like integration criterio of the Interdisciplinary

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José Enrique Gómez


The article analyses the term multidiscipline and interdiscipline in Gerontology. The target is to present an analogy with the use of the interdiscipline concept in Bioethics. Ethics is used as a methodological unifying criterion of Bioethics, which allows it to go from being a multidiscipline to become an interdiscipline. In an analogous way, an ethical term is applied to Gerontology, and in this way it is suggested the term «proper quality of active life» to be used as an ethical axis of orientation guidance for Gerontology.


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How to Cite
Gómez, J. E. (2019). Interdiscipline in gerontology. The quality of life like integration criterio of the Interdisciplinary. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 30(4), 1357–1370.