The impact of legalizing abortion on maternal mortality in Mexico

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Martha Tarasco Michel
José Manuel Madrazo Cabo
Edith Jocelyn Hernández Sánchez
Grecia Ana León Durán
Mariana Azari Reyes Cruz
Jesús Luzuriaga Galicia


Background: Abortion was legalized in Mexico City in 2007, claiming a high rate of maternal mortality caused by abortion.
Purpose: To analyze general and abortion-related maternal mortality data throughout Mexico and in Mexico City.
Methodology: Retrospective study, with data obtained from INEGI. Calculations for the reason of general and abortion-related maternal mortality. Pearson’s correlation analysis and linear regression of results. Analysis of annual increase and decrease trends. Maternal deaths breakdown.
Result: Linear regression on national MMR (R² = 0.87) with downward trend, national MMR due to abortion (R² = 0.49) with a weak downward trend, MMR due to abortion in Mexico City (R² = 0.001) does not show a downward trend.
Conclusion: Abortion legalization in Mexico City showed no impact on decreasing maternal deaths due to abortion. Induced abortion ranks 12th among the reasons of maternal deaths in Mexico.


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How to Cite
Tarasco Michel, M., Madrazo Cabo, J. M., Hernández Sánchez, E. J., León Durán, G. A., Reyes Cruz, M. A., & Luzuriaga Galicia, J. (2019). The impact of legalizing abortion on maternal mortality in Mexico. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 31(1), 91–115.
Author Biographies

Martha Tarasco Michel, Universidad Anáhuac México

Faculty of Bioethics Universidad Anáhuac México.

Jesús Luzuriaga Galicia, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Professor at Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla.


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