Bioethical analysis of the impact of Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) on the health of children and mothers

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Ana Herrero García
Javier Lluna González
Justo Aznar Lucea


Assisted reproductive technology (ART ) can be connected to obstetric and perinatal complications, including a higher risk of congenital malformations and acquired diseases. It is an important duty of healthcare professionals, to inform those who wish to avail themselves of these techniques, about both the health risks for mother and newborn. Apart from the biological risks, ART also raise bioethical problems that must be addressed through the central value of the human life.

The main aim of this retrospective study is the bioethical and biomedical analysis of the impact of ART on children and mothers’ health, comparing the risk of pathology in natural conceived babies, and those who are ART infants.


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How to Cite
Herrero García, A., Lluna González, J., & Aznar Lucea, J. (2020). Bioethical analysis of the impact of Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) on the health of children and mothers. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 31(2), 287–306.
Author Biographies

Ana Herrero García, Hospital de Llíria, Valencia, España

Doctor in Medicine. Pediatrician. Pediatric Service of Llíria Hospital. Valencia. Spain.

Javier Lluna González, Universidad Católica de Valencia, España

Doctor in Medicine. Professor of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Member of the Bioethics Observatory. Catholic University of Valencia. Spain.

Justo Aznar Lucea, Universidad Católica de Valencia, España

Doctor in Medicine. Director of the Institute of Life Sciences. Catholic University of Valencia. Spain.