Different epistemological approaches in Master’s programs in Bioethics

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José Enrique Gómez Álvarez


The work based on a random compilation of some Master’s programs offered in the Spanish language in Spain and Latin America, aims to show the plurality of presentations on Bioethics and, based on these findings, to rethink the concept of interdisciplinary for teaching purposes. The problem based on which we started was; what sense should be given to the expression interdiscipline when used in teaching in Bioethics? As a theoretical framework, the notion of expanded reason is used, understood as an overcoming of instrumental reason and that serves as a bridge between the experimental and the axiological. Thus, an exploration of the concept was carried out by means of a convenient sample of the
term interdiscipline, multidiscipline, science as they appear in various Master’s programs in Bioethics. The article is divided into three parts: a section where it compares different Spanish and Latin American programs to highlight the epistemological conception of Bioethics that they present. The following section studies the concept of interdiscipline based on what has been seen in the programs, combining the categories of prudence, council and wisdom. It closes with the proposals for better teaching in Bioethics teaching. The  importance of dialogue between disciplines was concluded where the search for ethical meaning predominated in all ethical questions that arise in the classroom.


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How to Cite
Gómez Álvarez, J. E. (2020). Different epistemological approaches in Master’s programs in Bioethics. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 31(3), 5547–5563. https://doi.org/10.36105/mye.2020v31n3.01
Author Biography

José Enrique Gómez Álvarez, Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada

PHD Phylosophy. Universidad de Navarra

Professor. Center for Advanced Social Research, Querétaro, México

Professor. Universidad Panamericana, México

Academy Member  Mexican National Academy of Bioethics



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