Vaccines against Covid-19: Two ethical dilemmas to consider

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Yael Zonenzsain Laiter


The Covid-19 epidemic has altered and redefined the capacity of health systems around the globe, while being a challenge for bioethicists who must focus on issues such as the ethical process of vaccine development, and the strategies to be followed, to ensure fair and equitable distribution of these vaccines. Human challenge trials and their ethical implications are discussed, as a possible way to accelerate the availability of vaccines against Covid-19. Another ethical problem that is discussed is the global dilemma that will have to be faced to ensure a universal and accessible vaccine. Some viable strategies for the distribution of vaccines, both worldwide and at the local level are presented. Different philosophical viewpoints are presented regarding both problems, offering diverse arguments and answers to the ethical dilemmas exposed.


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How to Cite
Zonenzsain Laiter, Y. (2021). Vaccines against Covid-19: Two ethical dilemmas to consider. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 32(1), 215–231.
Author Biography

Yael Zonenzsain Laiter, National Mexican Academy of Bioethics

Member of the Mexican Academy of Bioethics. Professor at the Faculty of Bioethics of the University Anáhuac México, México.


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