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Martha Tarasco, Dra.


The theme of "Love and sexuality: value and meaning", which will make us question what is the true meaning of love? What values ​​are involved in this very fragile and subjective feeling? When can love achieve its intrinsic promise of happiness? And it will not only make us reflect on these questions, but also everything that involves leading a life as a couple.

As mentioned, life as a couple involves many situations and decisions that must be made together, such as cooperating to bring a new human being into the world. With the advancement of technology, today it has become possible to decide not only when to reproduce, but also to select certain characteristics that a child might have. This idea that a kind of “reproductive revolution” is under way will be discussed.

Just as technology has helped to make possible what we did not imagine, it is also helping to make possible other ideas that could enter into debate with ethics and traditional forms of reproduction.


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How to Cite
Tarasco, M. (2014). Introduction. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 25(3), 295–296. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Martha Tarasco, Dra., Universidad Anáhuac México

Editorial Coordinator