The The fetus as a patient: different positions on the same concept

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Milagros Ma. de las Mercedes Moreno D’Anna
Gustavo Páez


Congenital anatomical malformations, such as genetic disorders, are a current and frequent cause of eugenic abortion in countries where abortion is decriminalized and/or legalized. Diagnostic and therapeutic fetal medicine, including intrauterine fetal surgery, has placed the fetus as a new patient in the universe of biomedical science. To state that the fetus is a patient would mean recognizing that it is a person. To know whether a fetus is a patient or not, it must be established whether it has an independent moral status. In this article we will analyze three positions on the consideration of the fetus as a patient.


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Moreno D’Anna, M. M. de las M., & Páez, G. (2022). The The fetus as a patient: different positions on the same concept. Revista De Medicina Y Ética, 32(4), 989–1009. (Original work published October 1, 2021)


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