This new number opens 2021 with reflections on the ethical and bioethical dilemmas that the pandemic has brought up in the last months with a variety of topics from the development of vaccines against COVID-19 to palliative care, including alarming facts such as the increase in suicide cases all over the world and the practice of telemedicine as a safe and secure method for continuing  medical attention. 

Thus, the health crisis is presented here as the object of many ethical and bioethical reflections opening possibilites to future dialogues that still will be present in these times. 


Introduction: p. 11


Suicide: the impact of Covid-19 on mental health: p. 41

Covid-19 and biopower: How to resist the normalization of crisis: p. 87

Proposal of an action guide to coordinate the last visits of relatives during the «last days life» of a Covid-19 patient in Mexico: p. 123

Covid-19: philosophical and gerontological reflections from adaptability and quality of life: p. 159

The Covid-19 pandemic in Mexico: The fundamental role of palliative care and bioethics: p. 197

Vaccines against Covid-19: Two ethical dilemmas to consider: p. 233

Ethical aspects of telemedicine in the face of Covid-19 pandemic: p. 271


Wuhan soup: p. 297



Published: 2021-01-04