Medicina y Ética is a publication specialized in the Bioethics field, focused on the academic dissemination of research between professionals working on current topics and discussions in this field.

The Journal is not limited to a unique vision of Bioethics, as long as the articles rigorously comply with the inherent methodology of Bioethics, which consists of explaining the ethical issue being studied and establishing the fundamentals of the philosophical anthropology sustaining a hierarchy of values against which the problem
is to be addressed in order to reach an ethical conclusion. Consequently, opinions and positions are the exclusive responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the College of Bioethics of the Universidad Anáhuac México. It is not assumed, in any case, that the institution from which the author emanates or which is currently the author’s place of work subscribes to the author’s own positions reflected in the article.
Medicina y Ética is an independent publisher. The Editorial Board is only concerned with the quality and ethics of the journal’s publications.

Medicina y Ética is a quarterly, cost-free, advertisement-free publication.

The Editorial Board constantly aims to publish quality articles in the journal and, together with the Scientific Board, implements innovative systems as they arise, such as new platforms or electronic instruments, and continuously searches for the best reviewers.


The Journal has two sections: firstly, original unpublished articles, and secondly, reviews.

The timing policies for each section are specified in the subsection "Submissions" under "Guidelines for authors".

Articles and reviews must be written in Spanish or English in a clear, concise style, using 12-point Arial font, with 1.5 paragraph spacing, and be submitted in electronic Word format. It must be submitted directly through the journal’s Open Journal Systems.


a) The Editor selects articles in line with the editorial requirements of the journal.
b) The text will be checked for compliance with all indications as stated for submission of original articles.
c) Articles are decided upon by one or two academics of a relevant field with respect to the topic (double-blind peer review) in a period of at most three months. The names of the peer reviewers and the author are kept anonymous. The result will be one of the following:
     1) Publishable. In this case, the article will follow the process of translation and publication. Decisions to accept an item will not be reversed unless major problems are subsequently identified.
     2) Publishable, subject to modifications. The author must carry out the changes or corrections and resubmit the article for peer review, with the understanding that this does not guarantee that the journal will publish it. If it is rejected a second time, the article may not be resubmitted again.
     3) Not publishable. In the case of a rejection, the author shall receive an explanation of the peer reviewers’ opinion. The refusal to publish will always be for the article and not for the person. The rejected article may not be resubmitted to the journal for a period of six months.

d) The judgments of the judges must be objective and must not have any conflict of interest.
e) The reviewed articles should be treated confidentially before publication.



Medicina y Ética enforces an anti-plagiarism policy in order to guarantee the originality of each manuscript through the use of the Turnitin software, which is a solution for the detection of similarities in the contents of works. Any total or partial similarity that is not duly cited shall be reason for rejection.



Medicina y Ética maintains its contents under open access with the principle of making research freely available to the public and supporting a larger global exchange of knowledge.
All the Medicina y Ética material is published under the License of Creative Commons License Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.



Ethical guidelines. Mission to promote academic integrity.
a) The Publishing Coordinator approves articles based on their methodology, format, theoretical framework, and technical aspects; these are also subjected to approval from an ethnical standpoint by the Editorial Board and, if necessary, by the General Ethical Board of the Universidad Anáhuac México.
b) The articles, in addition to being approved in their methodology, format, theoretical framework and technical aspects by the Editorial Coordinator, will be submitted for approval from the ethical point of view by the Editorial Committee. If any controversy arises, it will be sent to a second instance, to the General Ethics Committee of the Universidad Anáhuac México, which will issue its opinion freely and will accept or reject the article based on its ethical content.
c) For articles that include information about patients or other research subjects, said information shall be kept confidential. Authors wishing to publish this type of articles must have informed consent formats. In addition, the approval number or folio of a Research Ethics Committee will be required. In case of not having one, the University makes available to the author the Institutional Research Ethics Committee under the forms, procedures and guidelines that it establishes and at no time commits itself to approve the author’s research. This information can be consulted on the following website: https://www.anahuac.mx/mexico/EscuelasyFacultades/bioetica/comite-de-etica
d) All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections, in case of error detection.
e) The publication of the same research in more than one journal is prohibited.
f) As this Magazine is free for the reader, it is also free for the author. Therefore, the authors whose works are accepted will not make any payment to the Magazine.
g) The conflict of interest is not an ethical fault. But it should be mentioned at the beginning of the article, if it exists.
h) All authors must have contributed significantly to the research.


a) Review that the articles comply with the guidelines established by internationally accepted ethical guidelines (Code of Conduct, COPE, and Office of Research Integrity, ORI).
b) Is responsible for detecting, as far as possible, and preventing the publication of articles in which research misconduct has been found. If such misconduct is subsequently detected, the article in question will be retracted. If there has been any minor error, it will be corrected. The retraction will never be considered as a personal
action, it will be based exclusively on the quality and/or errors of the article in question.
c) Will be in charge of detecting and sanctioning misconduct. In the event that accusations of misconduct are received, the main author will be asked for an explanation. The author must respond to such a request. If not acceptable, the article will be retracted, but in addition a letter will be sent to the researcher’s employers
about the case.
d) Under no circumstances will research misconduct be encouraged. Some types of research misconduct are listed below: 

1) Plagiarism is a research misconduct. Including an author’s name is not sufficient to rule out plagiarism. It is acceptable to acquire ideas from the bibliographical references, but not to write the same information. Articles cited shall be checked in an anti-plagiarism system. If, a posteriori, a reader detects and reports plagiarism, it shall be checked and the title of the article will appear as retracted.
2) Inexact authorship is also misconduct. The first name must be the person who worked most on writing the article, and the rest in successive order. To include the name of a person who has not written anything is unethical. If, a posteriori, the journal is made aware of this occurrence, the author will be banned from publishing in the journal again.
3) If the work published as an article received financial support, it is necessary to indicate this fact after the name(s) of the author(s). If this is omitted, the author(s) will be the sole responsible party(ies) before the financing entity regarding the omission of this fact. Medicina y Ética journal shall not be made liable.
4) Conflicts of interest do not constitute malpractice. However, they must be specified in the abstract and in the article. For example, if a company produces a drug ethically analyzed in the article, it must be stated that there may be a conflict of interest, as the author received support of any kind from the company. This allows readers to form their own opinions on the objectivity of the study.
5) The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) in the United States of America also defines research misconduct as the fabrication of data, results or the reporting of results. If this is detected, the article shall be withdrawn.
6) The falsification and fabrication of data also constitute fraud. The fabrication of data refers to, for example, changing the subject data from a survey or duplicating surveys with other names. The falsification of data entails omitting undesirable results, modifying data judged inconvenient for the results, etcetera.
7) Please visit the following links to avoid misconduct:



Medicina y Ética is included in the following directories and databases:

• The Philosopher's Index

Latindex Directory

Latindex v1.0. Catalogue

Bibliografía Latinoamericana en revistas de investigación científica y social (BIBLAT)



Repository of the Biblioteca Anáhuac México Norte 

Top 100 Bioethics Journals in the World from the Bioethic Research Library. Georgetown University (Washington D.C., USA)



The author will undertake to sign a letter of authorization to the Journal for the manuscript to be reproduced in electronic format.

a) Declaration of originality
Must be signed by all authors and co-authors, who must provide their information. 


2. Authorization for public communication of literary work (article)



All the intellectual content found in this periodical publication is licensed to the consumer public under the figure of Creative Commons©, unless the author of said content has agreed otherwise or limited said faculty to Medicine and Ethics© or Universidad Anáhuac México© in writing and expressly.

Medicina y Ética is distributed under a Creative Commons License Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

The author retains the economic rights without restrictions and guarantees the journal the right to be the first publication of the work. The author is free to deposit the published version in any other medium, such as an institutional repository or on his own website.



Medicina y Ética keeps in-house at its editorial office all the documents published electronically.

Institutional preservation. The Technological Services Department of Universidad Anahuac Mexico supports and backs up the website.

The Universidad Anahuac Mexico Library hosts the magazine not only for consultation, but also for its preservation; in addition, they are creating an integrated and more robust institutional archive.



This journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published contents.

Route for harvesters: https://revistas.anahuac.mx/bioetica/oai/



Facebook: Medicina y Ética, @bioeticaAnahuac